Medical Weight Loss

Begin 2021 with a personalized program and one-on-one weight loss support. We offer comprehensive customized, non-surgical weight loss programs utilizing the right combination of clinical and lifestyle support to fit your personal needs. 

2 Simplified All Inclusive Plans With Different Weight Loss Goals

remove, weight loss, slim

       Better Body Plan

  • Complete Initial History And Physical Exam
  • Basic Initial Bloodwork Panel
  • EKG (If Indicated)
  • Weekly Skinny Shot (B12)
  • Prescription Appetite Suppressant (If Candidate)
  • Full Body Composition Analysis
  • Monthly Body Measurements
  • Weekly Review of Nutrition + Activity Journal
  • Basic Nutritional Plan
  • Behavioral Counseling + Goal Setting Strategies

     Better Life Plan

  • Includes the Better Body Plan PLUS+
  • Expanded Lab Panels
  • Exclusive Peptide Treatments
  • Customized Prescription Plan Including:
      • Craving Control
      • Fat Burners
      • Metabolic Enhancement
  • Concierge Access Via Text/Email
  • Customized Exercise Plan
  • Customized Nutritional Plans With Weekly Dietary Counseling
  • Access to VIP Facebook Support Group
  • One Fixed Monthly Price Includes Everything!